Dimensions of Experience

The new book by Yoginâm


Retreats & Meditation

Nowadays, the human mind is continuously drawn by stimuli. Demanding work, smartphones and the internet distract our consciousness all the time.

Needless to say how healthy it is to spend a few days or a week in tranquility, away from all distraction. We have two locations where people can come for retreat and meditation: the Asharum Níjar (Spain) and the Asharum Amonines (Belgium). At the Asharums daily life is designed to calm down the mind, as you withdraw from regular impulses. You will step into an environment of silence in combination with a suggested daily rhythm of meditations. The ways of meditation will help you to reach deeper levels of silence. Having a profound and healthy effect on the brain, you will find yourself back again full of vital energy.


We host retreat activities at our physical places in the Garden of Nâm (Spain) and Asharum Amonines (Belgium).


Nâm gives suggestions on how to deal with daily life experiences in harmonious ways, taking the present moment as your most intimate friend. Its vocabulary provides a way in how to harmonise inner conflicts and difficulties. Nâm is about discovering in ordinary life that every single human life is an expression of an unknowable certainty. In this discovery, simple attitudes like awe and wonder, gratefulness, respect and lovingkindness will color the quality of your experience

The activities in our Asharums enable you to explore and refine your inner world of experience in complete openness and freedom. This process is supported by methods and ways of meditation. They liberate from addictive urges and restore an essential balance with which we are born. 

Ultimately, the practice of Nâm can help you to experience living in profound meaning and wellbeing under all circumstances. Nâm has been presented in many books and publications written by Yoginâm.


For those who want to deepen Nâm and make it into a life practice, we offer a subscriber area where (live) HarpMood meditations and talks and texts related to Nâm are being offered.

The subscribers area is updated weekly with new content. This allows those who experienced the beauty of Nâm to discover its subtleties more and more.

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